The words Dog Breed Info with the letter D inside of a black paw print

My Apartment Puppy—Socializing

A little fluffy muppet looking white and black dog in a red Target shopping cart

Zippy is 5 months old and we are in full force socializing mode. From dog parks to stores, she loves being out and about. We are seeking out all of the dog friendly places and recently added Target to our favorite list.

A little furry white and black dog in the blue PetSmart shopping cart

PetSmart is a great store, too. Zippy rides in the shopping cart and likes watching all of the activity around her.

A kid riding a skateboard across a black path as a little fluffy dog wearing a pink sweater watches.

Zippy saw a kid ride by on a skateboard and she was fascinated.

A white and black small breed dog standing behind a tan wire hair small breed dog next to a bench

At the dog park Zippy meets Camille, a Havanese / Miniature Pinscher mix

A little tan dog with her nose in a hole while a white and black dog watches

Zip found she has something in common with Addy the 7 month old Welsh Corgi puppy, hole digging!

A fluffy little white dog with a black face with dirt all over her face while a tan long bodied puppy watches

Together they dug a big hole!

A white and black dog chasing a tan dog who are both running

Not only does her new friend Addy like to dig, she likes to run!

Action shot, two dogs running across wood chips at a dog park

And so does Zippy!

A little toy sized doodle dog chewing on a wood chip

Zip, don't eat the wood chips. I sure hope they are not chemically treated. Spit that out!