The words Dog Breed Info with the letter D inside of a black paw print

My Apartment Puppy—Adjusting Well

A fluffy little white and black dog laying on the floor surrounded by her toys

Zippy is now 5 months old and she and I both are adjusting well to apartment living. She even walked to the door a couple of times when she had to pee, but I still do not think she fully understands the potty training concept just yet. She only peed on the floor once, but that is because I watch her, not because she is trained.

A long haired little dog outside with her front paws on a parking barrier

Zippy loves going out to new places for walks. She sniffs around and is very observant of her surroundings.

A fluffy little dog laying on a kitchen counter

One of the methods I have to keep her from peeing on the floor when I cannot watch her is to just place her on the counter I am next to. She often just lays down to sleep, although sometimes she wants to wander and I will have to pick her up.

A little Shih-Poo puppy sitting down in the grass outside

Zippy will stop when out on a walk to watch things going on around her much like Spencer used to do. I just stop and let her take things in and she will soon start to walk again.

A little dog walking away from a stream of water near a bridge

Zippy saw her first stream of water. She never did get a drink but she watched it flow.

A little dog wearing a pink shirt that says Zippy

Zippy sporting her new pink shirt that has her name on it.

A little dog playing with a mini rainbow tennis ball

She likes to play with her tiny tennis balls.

A little dog play bowing at her toys

I had to put her toy basket on it's side because she had a hard time getting her head into it. I think when she is full grown she will be able to reach her toys. Otherwise we will need to find a new smaller toy bin.

A little dog sitting outside on a balcony in an apartment complex

Zippy likes to sit on the balcony and watch all of the activity below.

A little dog in a shopping cart at a Marshalls store.

One of my new favorite stores is Marshalls because they are dog friendly. I think we will be coming here a lot.

A toy sized dog in a shopping cart at Marshalls home center

Marshalls is awesome. We found a lot of good loot here. Yep, going to visit a lot of different Marshalls stores on our ventures.