Mia the Blue-Nose American Bully Pit
A day in the life with Mia the American Bully (Bully Pit) puppy. 4 years old, 60 pounds, 18 1/2 inches from the ground to the highest point of the shoulders (the withers).
A day in the life with Mia the American Bully (Bully Pit) puppy. 4 years old, 60 pounds, 18 1/2 inches from the ground to the highest point of the shoulders (the withers).
4 Years Old
Mia definitely has a pushy, crazy side, but most of the time she is relatively calm and relaxed. Part of the reason her calm side comes out over the crazy is how much time I am able to spend with her. I bring her to work with me every day and most of our non-work plans also include the dogs. Mia knows the daily routines. The breaking point with her behavior was when I realized most of her problem was that she cannot see very well. She has poor eyesight. That is what makes her unsure about some new situations.
Mia uses her nose to see. If I am going to clean her ears I let her smell the paper towel, then she allows me to clean the inside of her ear, but as soon as I pull the paper towel back out she smells it, quickly and intensely. She wants to smell the dirt that came from her ear. If I do not let her she twists and turns and will not stay still. When I take the time to allow her to use her nose to see what I am doing she will allow me to do it again. She wears a GPS tracker collar and when I change the battery she wants to smell everything before, during and after I do it. It seems simple enough, but it was that fact that helped me truly understand her. She wants to be with her people all of the time. I do not think she would do well at all as a crated dog at home all day while her pack was at work. She is loving, but easily spooked by strange things and I pin pointed that to her eyesight.
Every morning without fail, as soon as Mia hears us wake up she goes to her toy bin, picks up one of her bones or toys and brings it into the bedroom. She wiggles and woo's, dancing around both Stephen and I with the object in her mouth for a few minutes before she returns to her bed to wait for her breakfast.
Mia, thank you for gifting me with your tasty horn, but the paw! You can't put your paws on the coffee table. Don't spill my cup of tea little girl!
Awwww, thank you for bringing me a leaf. Every human needs a daily leaf.
Now I get a stick! Thank you, girl!
Mia, you gonna share some of that water?
Sailor, Mia, Leia and Spencer
The pack going for a walk on a snowy day